Village Mall Dental

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants in Red Deer

An All-on-4 implant procedure is more permanent than full or partial dentures. This restorative procedure is for complete, permanent teeth replacement. Four to six dental implants are installed, which then hold a full arch prosthesis. When many teeth are missing or need to be replaced, All-on-4 can be a great solution to replace all the teeth at once.

A Different Approach to Implants

Many people don’t realize that tooth loss is extremely common in adults. Missing teeth can clearly affect a person’s smile, but it’s easy to forget that they can also have severe effects on everyday tasks like eating and speaking. When looking into implants, All-on-4 provides a new technique different from traditional implants. Developed in Europe by Nobel Biocare and Dr. Paulo Malo, All-on-4 has gained popularity worldwide with its full arch replacements.

How All-on-4 Works

All-on-4 implants look and function just like natural teeth. They don’t move or require specialized care like dentures, and the procedure can usually be done in a day. First, 4-6 permanent implants are placed in the upper and lower jaw. These implants will be the foundation for full arch bridges. Once the implants are in place, the prothesis will typically be placed within a day or two. While the implants are permanent, the bridge can be replaced quickly and easily, even though it can last ten to 15 years.

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