Village Mall Dental

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry at Village Mall Dental

Even though our patient’s comfort is our top priority, we still understand that dentistry can cause real anxiety. At Village Mall Dental, we want to help you have the best dental experience possible. Whether you may struggle with fear and anxiety or have a specific condition that makes dental care uncomfortable, we offer sedation options to help our patients access care with confidence.

IV Sedation Dentistry

IV sedation involves the administration of a general anesthetic by an anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist maintains a consistent level of sedation throughout the entire procedure and monitors vital signs. For more complex surgeries or procedures, IV sedation is used to keep the patient unconscious until the procedure is complete.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

More commonly known as ‘laughing gas,’ nitrous oxide is a form of sedation that keeps patients conscious but helps alleviate any anxiety. Because it moves quickly through the bloodstream, most patients are able to drive home after receiving nitrous oxide.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is another form of conscious sedation. It involves giving a sedative through pills that the patient takes at specific times prior to their procedure. The patient will be awake but will feel relaxed and sleepy.

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